
U.S. DOE Announces $371 Million for Transmission Projects to Boost Electric Grid and Community Infrastructure

In a significant move to enhance the resilience and reliability of the U.S. electric grid, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced today the allocation of up to $371 million for 20 high-voltage transmission projects across 16 states.

According to SolarQuarter, this funding, part of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, is aimed at expediting the permitting process for major interstate transmission lines and supporting local community infrastructure. The grants, administered by DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, are designed to advance at least 16 high-impact transmission lines that will bolster the deployment of reliable and affordable energy nationwide while also creating well-paying jobs. The Transmission Siting and Economic Development (TSED) grants will also address critical community infrastructure needs, such as upgrading public school buildings and emergency response facilities.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm emphasized the importance of these projects, stating, “Today, every pocket of the country is experiencing the grueling impact of extreme weather, and there’s no doubt that we must expand our transmission grid to get more clean, resilient power to more people, in more places. Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration, we are accelerating transmission expansion while strengthening local communities and creating good-paying jobs across the nation.”

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