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Senate Votes To Overturn Biden Water Rule

The Senate approved a resolution against the Biden administration’s signature water policy.

According to E&E News, “the Biden administration WOTUS rule tells states and individuals that the federal government knows best. It is true to form for this administration,” said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), who has helped lead the Senate opposition to the regulation.

Overturning the rule, she said, would be a step toward “setting predictable reliable policy for America’s farmers and ranchers.”

Democrats fired back and accused Republicans of undercutting water quality.

“We cannot afford to turn back the clock on these protections for our nation’s waters and those who depend on them,” said Senate Environment and Public Works Chair Tom Carper (D-Del.).

Carper argued that gutting WOTUS would deal a fundamental strike at the Clean Water Act, while the Biden rule offered what he called a “commonsense” approach.

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