
Newsom Signs Infrastructure Package Into Law To Streamline Projects

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed an infrastructure package that is known as the California Environmental Quality Act and will include a water project called the Delta Tunnel. The final package was bipartisan.

According to ABC 10, some criticized the governor for the late proposal. It’s the reason why it took a while to come to an agreement with lawmakers on the budget.

Newsom was asked about his strategy of throwing big policy proposals in at the last minute.

“I don’t have that many summers left as governor, and I don’t want to dream of regretting,” said Newsom.

Some were concerned that this proposal would streamline a very controversial water project known as the delta tunnel. The governor agreed to take that out.

“I’ve got a team that’s assembled directly to work on it. We’re going to see that through,” Newsom added.

The final package was bipartisan.

“I’m tired of watching infrastructure projects like Sites Reservoir get tied up for years, while Californians are left to suffer the consequences. For years, Republicans have been trying to cut red tape that holds up these critical projects. I’m glad Gov. Newsom and our Democrat colleagues have finally joined us,” said Assembly Republican leader James Galagher in a statement.

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