
EV Charging Networks Prepare for Cyberattacks

With electric vehicles gaining more traction over the past couple of years the fear of hacking through EV charging networks arises.

According to The Wall Street Journal, in April, the Biden administration proposed tougher car emissions targets to accelerate the transition to EVs and has called for them to make up half of all new vehicle sales by 2030. The European Union has gone further, banning the sale of new gasoline- and diesel-powered cars starting in 2035.

In the rush to EVs, though, cybersecurity can’t be an afterthought, said Tomas Bodeklint, a research and business developer at the Research Institutes of Sweden, a government-run group that works on EV charging and other technologies.

“When you get rapid deployment, you cut the corners a bit. Then there’s an increased risk if [products] haven’t been thoroughly tested and validated,” he said.

Efforts to address the security of EV charging stations are in the early stages. European lawmakers are drafting new cyber rules for electricity grid operators that will likely include additional security requirements for EV charging infrastructure, said Anjos Nijk, managing director of the European Network for Cyber Security, a Netherlands-based organization that shares cyber threat information with critical infrastructure and energy companies.

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