
Biden Administration Announces $67M Infrastructure Investment for Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Menominee

The U.S. Department of Transportation has allocated approximately $66.9 million to fund three infrastructure improvement projects in Michigan. This funding will support the development of new shared-use paths in Detroit, establish a multimodal mobility network spanning 3.5 miles in Kalamazoo, and finance various enhancements at Menominee Harbor in the Upper Peninsula.

According to The Detriot News, the Detroit project will fund the construction of two shared-used paths that will be part of the Joe Louis Greenway and Iron Belle Trail systems. The City of Detroit will receive about $20.7 million, and construction is expected to begin in October 2025.

A description of the project from U.S. DOT says: “Improvements will occur on Woodmere Street and will include a shared-use path that will be constructed within the right-of-way between Fort Street and Vernor Highway. Improvements will also occur on Dequindre Street including a shared-use path and a sidewalk that will be constructed within the right-of-way between Mack Avenue and Warren Avenue.”

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