
APWA Urges for ‘Logical Next Step’ in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Reform

Keith Pugh, Past-President of the American Public Works Association (APWA), has urged Congress to advance reforms to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by streamlining the legal review process. Testifying before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, Pugh advocated for establishing clear timelines for judicial reviews—120 days for litigation initiation, 180 days for a court decision, and similar timeframes for appeals. These changes aim to enhance the predictability and efficiency of the NEPA process, which Pugh argues is crucial for smaller, resource-limited communities facing delays and underinvestment in critical infrastructure like stormwater management, transportation, and wastewater systems.

Pugh highlighted the need for legislative action to address the consequences of current NEPA procedures, which can hinder timely infrastructure development and result in higher environmental hazards and system inefficiencies. APWA supports provisions in the proposed legislation that would define the scope of environmental reviews more narrowly, limit new research to essential studies, and ensure that public comments are effectively incorporated into the review process. By streamlining these aspects, APWA believes that infrastructure projects can be executed more efficiently, ultimately benefiting community quality of life and optimizing taxpayer resources. This testimony represents APWA’s ongoing commitment to NEPA reform, reflecting its focus on improving infrastructure delivery and environmental stewardship.

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